Title: Excalibur I Show: Crusade Characters: Matthew Gideon Rating: G Tags: introspection
My humble offering to this year's Babylon 5 Love month. There will be two more vignettes, hopefully complementing this one. This is unbetaed. Please excuse any weirdness.
Title: Five Times Five and One, Crusade Author: seriesfive Pairing: None Rating: PG Spoilers: Not really... Summary: Imagine our brave Crusaders sitting in a bar, letting their hair down (or hood in Galen's case) getting slowly, but methodically drunk. Imagine asking them those, oh, so dramatic questions that comprise the series' into...
Title: Five Planets Never Visited by the Excalibur Characters/pairing(s): the crew of the Excalibur, with vague implications of pairings Warnings/notes: Crusade-only fic, so probably best to give this one a miss if you haven't seen the series. Also: vaguely (femme)slashy, in the sense that yes, I ship, but no, this is not a romance fanfiction.
Hellooo! :) Am posting a bit early, I hope that's okay.
I come with icons (24 of them), they're both from Crusade as well as B5. The files are either .png or .jpg. Will be posting some screencaps later on. :)